What’s in My Bag?

No matter where in the world I travel to, my packing routine is nearly always the same. I ensure I have all the essentials and whatever I need to stay comfortable, whether it’s a 1-hour commuter flight or a 10-hour…

Inside Iceland’s Ice Caves

You know what’s crazy about ice? It sings. So did the ice inside an Icelandic ice cave. I went inside prepared to nope the hell out because while I never had severe claustrophia, the sheer amount of ice simply overwhelmed…

Japan Travel Diary: Week 1

From high-end sushi to quick-slurped noodles, Tokyo lives up to its rep as a culinary powerhouse. In areas like Shibuya and Shinjuku, the city delivers the crowds and neon travelers envision. Elsewhere it balances the brash with tranquil gardens and…